Lots of new veggies, herbs and flowers coming in! The Flower Buffet is open every day, stop by to create your own bouquet! I'm picking about 5-10lbs of smaller tomatoes a day, they are selling out fast! I'm starting to pick a few more sweet peppers each day and we just started harvesting the next round of potatoes: Superior!
A lot of people have been asking how the stand works, so here's some more details! I'm open 7 days a week, the Flower Buffet is open at all times, an appointment is only required if you want to pick sunflowers yourself. It's still early in my season, so with most veggies and herbs I will just go pick them fresh out of the garden as you order to provide you with the very best! You are more than welcome to pre-order, or just stop on by! We are planning on building an additional stand for veggies and herbs on the new land to make things more convenient for all of us. I'm trying to post an updated list of everything available every morning on Facebook, including prices!
Upcoming Events: (go to the Calendar page for more info)
Sunday, July 30th: Beginner/Easy Garden Yoga with Me, 8am
Tuesday. August 1st: Garden Yoga with Mary Kay, 6:30pm